Azer chay
Making tea (English style)
Vo azer chay.
I am going to make tea.
Kayento la agua.
I heat up the water.
Tomo un sakito/la talegita de chay.
I take a teabag.
Meto el sakito/la talegita en la tasa.
I put the teabag in the mug.
Echo la agua kayente a la tasa.
I pour the hot water in the mug.
Aspero tres o sinko puntos.
I wait 3 or 5 minutes.
Está pronto para bever.
It is ready to drink.
Ya eskapi de azer chay!
I finished making tea!
This domain is based on speech from Israel "Izzet" Bana, a speaker from Istanbul. Izzet is the director of the Sephardic youth choir "Las Estreyikas" (the little stars). It was edited by Rachel Bortnick (Izmir), Karen Gerşon Şarhon (Istanbul), and Carlos Yebra Lopez.
Teabag: sakito and talegita are both ways to say this.
sakito comes from sako 'bag', plus the masculine diminutive suffix -ito, so it literally means 'little bag.'
talegita comes from talega, which is an explicitly fabric bag, plus the feminine diminutive suffix -ita, so it literally means 'little fabric bag.'
Download the card, print, and put it near your kettle!
The full nesting kit will be available soon — watch this space! In the meantime, individual domain cards can be printed and used freely.