Azer kafe (makina)

Making coffee (coffeemaker)

Vo azer kafe en la makina.
I am going to make coffee in the coffeemaker.

Meto unas kucharadas de kafe en la makina.
I put spoonfuls of coffee into the coffeemaker.

Meto agua en la makina.
I put water in the coffeemaker.

Tomo un findjan/una tasa.
I take a coffee cup/mug.

Meto el findjan/la tasa en la makina.
I place the coffee cup/mug in the coffeemaker.

Pizo el boton para asender la makina.
I push the button to turn on the machine.

Aspero ke se aga el kafe.
I wait for the coffee to be made.

Echo asukar i leche al kafe.
I add sugar and milk to the coffee.

Está pronto para bever.
It is ready to drink.

Ya eskapi de azer kafe!
I finished making coffee!


This domain is based on speech from Eliezer Bivas and Israel "Izzet" Bana, both speakers from Istanbul. Izzet is the director of the Sephardic youth choir "Las Estreyikas" (the little stars). It was edited by Rachel Bortnick (Izmir), the founder of the Ladino online forum Ladinokomunita.

Coffee cup/mug: findjan and tasa are both ways to say this.

Download the card, print, and put it near your coffeemaker!

The full nesting kit will be available soon — watch this space! In the meantime, individual domain cards can be printed and used freely.